

Convert an image to Base64

This post is to show how to generate base64 string to an image file.Below is the method which will return the base64 string to the given image file. The input for this method is the full path of the image. public String getBase64ForFile(String inFile) throws Exception { String base64 = “”; System.out.println(“inFile: ” + inFile); URL url = new URL(inFile);…

How to enable Contribution Folders in Webcenter Content

If the “Contribution Folders” under Browse Content is not visible, please follow the below procedure to enable it. Login to webcenter content Under Administration menu, go to Admin Server and select “Component Manager” option Select “advanced component manager” option   Under disabled components, select “Folders_g” and click on enable button Please note that, while enabling “Folders_g”, if “FrameworkFolders” is enabled,…

Create or Configure a Pagelet

Below is the procedure to create/configure the pagelet.         Create a portal application and deploy in an application server Login to Pagelet producer. http://<host>:<port:>/pageletadmin In the Navigator select option “Producers” for “Jump to” from the list, will display screen like below Click on Register button, a screen like below will be displayed Enter required fields like Producer Name, WSDL url…

Configuring Discussion Server to Webcenter Spaces

Below are the steps to configure the discussion server with webcenter spaces           1)      Open the EM console: http://<host>:port/em           2)      Go to “Service Configuration” Option in Webcenter domain as shown in the below screen                3)      Select “Discussions & Announcements” from the list available            4)      Click on Add button, you will get the below screen           …

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