

ADF_FACES-30108:The view state of the page has expired because of inactivity. Reload the page.

I have several tabs in my portal application, in which some of them are loading data from web services. Some times when I click on those tabs, an alert message with the below error message is displaying and on-click of Ok button, the app is reloading. The error message: ADF_FACES-60098:Faces lifecycle receives unhandled exceptions in phase RESTORE_VIEW 1 javax.faces.application.ViewExpiredException: viewId:/oracle/webcenter/portalapp/pages/home.jspx…

Invoking constructor twice in JSFF with panelTabbed component

I have a JSFF page which has panelTabbed component with four tabs and one of the tabs is displaying data from a managed bean. While loading the page, the bean constructor is being called twice. To avoid this add the below property to the panelTabbed tag,  which will avoid loading the tab data until it shows.   childCreation=”lazyUncached”

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