

FAQ Creator – a java tool to help creating FAQ file

“FAQ Creator” is a tool developed in java helps to create FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) html files. This tool provides an user interface as below  and the procedure to add this tool is: Provide a file name including path to which the content will be written. Enter a question and its answer in the corresponding text fields. Click on “Save&Next”…

Java tool to import data from Excel To Database

Description: ExcelToDB is a tool developed in java to import data from MS-Excel to different data bases like MS-Access or Oracle. Currently this tool supports only these two database, but you can extend it to other databases if you required.   Click here to download the tool. You can also get the source code of this tool here and you…

BoxGame – a number puzzle game developed in java

BoxGame is a  number game developed in java, which opens a window with 16 cells filled with numbers from 1 to 15 and a blank cell filled with green color. All these numbers including blank cell are arranged randomly across the window. Use the arrow keys to play the game. When you press any arrow key, the blank cell will…

Access To Excel – a tool to help import data from MS-Access to MS-Excel

AccessToExcel is a tool developed using VBA script in MS-Excel. This tool is a macro enabled excel file. This tool helps to import data from MS-Access to MS-Excel. When the file is opened, it will open an input text box where we need to provide the path of the MS-Access file from which you want to import data and table…

Run Android Apps on your Mac or PC

Do you have Chrome on your Mac or PC? Then you can run android apps on your Mac or PC. Google has come up with App Runtime for Chrome (ARC).Pre-requisites: You need Chrome browser for sure to start with it apk file of the app  you wanted to install Procedure: Below is the procedure to setup and install the apk file…. failed hostname verification

Problem: When my adf web application executing a web service call, I got the below error which was failed to verify the [Security:090504]Certificate chain received from – YY.YY.YY.YY failed hostname verification check. Certificate contained * but check expected where is my host name. Solution: To avoid this error, we have two solutions. One is to… Cannot read from policy store

Problem: While running my integrated weblogic, I got an error like Cannot read from policy store. Reason is PolicyStore Error, Error at line:332 col:25  ‘ ‘Solution: To solve this error, the weblogic domain should be deleted and start the weblogic again. Then it will create a fresh domain.

AlarmManager – run any code in the background at certain intervals

If you want to run a piece of code in the background at certain intervals, then AlarmManager is the class helps us to do this. It will wake up the device on the given intervals and invokes the Receiver class where we should write our code to run in the background. Below code snippet explains how to implement AlarmManager. Intent…


android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException  is an android runtime exception which occurs when you are trying to run any network or IO related operations from main activity. Android doesn’t support to run IO operations directly on the main activity. So to avoid this exception, use a thread to do these operations or you can also use AsyncTask class which helps you to run the…

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