June 5, 2015

Tool to import data from Excel To Database


                 ExcelToDB is a tool developed in java to import data from MS-Excel to different data bases like MS-Access or Oracle. Currently this tool supports only these two database, but you can extend it to other databases if you required.

Click here to download the tool. You can also get the source code of this tool here and you are free to edit the code as per your need.

  • Double click on the executable jar file ExcelToDB.jar or run the java command “jar –d ExcelToDB.jar” to open the tool

  • Choose the source excel file (.xls or .xlsx) from which the data to be copied
  • Enter the sheet name of the excel file where the data is existed (Default value is Sheet1)
  • Select the data base type either MS-Access or Oracle 
  • If Access is selected, the window will be as follows
  • Choose the target MS-Access database file
  • And also pass the table name, user name and password of the database
  • If the databse type is selected as Oracle then the window will be changed as below
  • Pass the host name of the oracle server, table name to which the data to be copied, user name and password of the database to the tool
  • Click on “Click the button to import” to start the process of importing data from excel to the database

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