January 29, 2015

Board Puzzles

This is extension to my previous post BOARD PUZZLES.

An update to my app Board Puzzles is available in the Google Play store.

The same can be available at the below link.


Please install/update the app and have fun.

Visit my apps blog : http://sonuappz.blogspot.com

January 19, 2015


I have developed an android app named “Board Puzzles” which is available in Play store now.

It is a board puzzle gaming app which has options to choose number or alphabets to display on the board. 
It is a puzzle gaming app where user has to arrange the numbers or alphabets on the board from least to greatest.

This app supports both android phones and tablets, and also supports 8038 types of devices.

Please visit the below link and install the app on your android devices.

Rate the app if you like it. Have fun !!

Click here to visit Sonu Appz (name for my apps account) blog.

January 16, 2015


android.os.NetworkOnMainThreadException  is an android runtime exception which occurs when you are trying to run any network or IO related operations from main activity. Android doesn't support to run IO operations directly on the main activity. 

So to avoid this exception, use a thread to do these operations or you can also use AsyncTask class which helps you to run the code in the background.