March 26, 2024

Exploring Fragments in Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS): Reusable Components for Rapid Development


Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) is a comprehensive low-code development platform that offers a range of powerful features for creating web and mobile applications. One such feature is the concept of fragments, which play a crucial role in designing reusable components and enhancing development efficiency. Fragments in VBCS provide a way to encapsulate and reuse UI elements, enhancing code modularity, and reducing redundancy. In this article, we will dig into the world of fragments and explore how they can be leveraged in Oracle VBCS to streamline application development.

Understanding Fragments in Oracle VBCS

In Oracle VBCS, a fragment is a modular and self-contained component that encapsulates a specific piece of functionality or user interface (UI) elements, such as forms, tables, or widgets. Think of fragments as building blocks that can be used to create reusable components within an application. Fragments offer a way to modularize and organize application design, allowing developers to create consistent and efficient UIs across multiple pages or applications.

Key Features and Benefits of Fragments

1. Reusability: Fragments enable developers to create modular and reusable components. Once a fragment is created, it can be easily added to multiple pages or templates within the application, eliminating the need to recreate similar UI elements from scratch. This reusability not only saves development time but also ensures consistency across the application.

2. Customization: Fragments in VBCS can be customized and configured to suit specific requirements. Developers can modify the properties, styles, and behavior of a fragment to align with the desired functionality and appearance. Customizing fragments allows for flexibility and adaptability, ensuring they seamlessly integrate into different parts of the application.

3. Simplified Maintenance: By utilizing fragments, developers can reduce the complexity of maintaining and updating UI elements across an application. Instead of modifying each occurrence of a particular UI element individually, changes made to a fragment will automatically reflect wherever it is used. This simplifies maintenance efforts, minimizes the chance of errors, and improves code maintainability.

4. Collaborative Development: Fragments facilitate collaboration between designers and developers. Designers can focus on creating visually appealing and functional UI components, while developers can incorporate these fragments into the application's pages or templates using VBCS's visual drag-and-drop interface. This collaboration enhances efficiency, as both parties can work concurrently on their respective tasks.

5. Enhanced Consistency: Fragments ensure consistent user experiences by promoting uniformity across an application. UI elements encapsulated within fragments maintain a standardized look and behavior, reducing the likelihood of inconsistencies or discrepancies. This cohesiveness contributes to a seamless and professional user interface throughout the application.

6. Encapsulation and Modularity: Fragments encapsulate specific UI elements, enabling developers to isolate and modularize different aspects of an application. This encapsulation improves code organization, making it easier to manage and understand the application's structure. Furthermore, encapsulated fragments can be easily reused in other applications or shared across development teams, promoting code reuse and collaboration.

Working with Fragments in Oracle VBCS

1. Fragment Creation: Oracle VBCS provides a user-friendly visual interface for creating fragments. Developers can design fragments by dragging and dropping UI components onto the fragment canvas. These components can be customized, styled, and configured to meet the specific requirements. Additionally, fragments can contain actions, events, and data bindings to enable interactivity and dynamic behavior.

2. Fragment Composition: Once a fragment is created, it can be easily composed within pages or other fragments in Oracle VBCS. The composition process involves placing the fragment within the desired container on a page or another fragment. This allows developers to assemble complex UIs by combining multiple fragments together. Changes made to the original fragment propagate to all instances where it is composed, ensuring consistency and easy maintenance.

3. Parameterization: Fragments in Oracle VBCS can accept parameters, enabling dynamic behavior and customization. Parameters act as inputs that can be passed to fragments during composition or at runtime. This flexibility allows developers to reuse fragments while dynamically modifying their appearance or behavior based on the context in which they are used.

4. Fragment Lifecycle and Versioning: Fragments in Oracle VBCS have a lifecycle of their own. They can be versioned, allowing developers to manage and track changes effectively. Versioning ensures that modifications or enhancements made to a fragment do not impact the existing usages until explicitly updated. This allows for controlled updates and minimizes the risk of breaking existing functionality.


Fragments in Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) offer a powerful mechanism for creating reusable UI components in application development. By encapsulating UI elements, fragments enable developers to achieve code modularity, reduce redundancy, and enhance efficiency. With the ability to customize, reuse, and maintain UI elements across an application, fragments streamline the development process, promote collaboration between designers and developers, and ensure consistent user experiences. Leveraging fragments in VBCS empowers developers to accelerate development timelines, improve code maintainability, and deliver high-quality applications in a more efficient and scalable manner.

August 27, 2023

Understanding the Lifecycle Event vbAfterNavigate in Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS)



Oracle Visual Builder Cloud Service (VBCS) is a powerful cloud-based development platform that allows users to create modern web and mobile applications. Within the framework of VBCS, various events play a crucial role in managing application functionality and user interactions. One such important event is the lifecycle event vbAfterNavigate. In this article, we will explore the significance of the vbAfterNavigate event and how it can be utilized to enhance the user experience and streamline application development in VBCS.

Understanding vbAfterNavigate:

vbAfterNavigate is a lifecycle event in VBCS that occurs after a navigation action is performed within an application. Navigation actions typically involve moving from one page to another, such as clicking a link, navigating through a menu, or submitting a form. When such navigation occurs, the vbAfterNavigate event is triggered, providing developers with an opportunity to execute custom logic or perform specific operations.

The Importance of vbAfterNavigate:

The vbAfterNavigate event is essential for controlling application behavior and enhancing the user experience. It allows developers to respond to navigation events and perform tasks based on the user’s actions. Here are some key benefits of leveraging vbAfterNavigate in VBCS:

1. Dynamic Content Loading:

With vbAfterNavigate, developers can load dynamic content on a page after a navigation action. This is particularly useful when retrieving data from external sources or updating portions of a page based on user input. For example, you can fetch additional data from a database or display relevant information based on the user’s selection.

2. Validation and Error Handling:

vbAfterNavigate provides an excellent opportunity to perform validation checks or error-handling tasks before rendering a new page. This helps ensure that data entered by the user is accurate and complete, and provides a seamless transition to the next page. You can validate user inputs, check for required fields, or display error messages to guide users.

3. Custom Navigation Flow:

By utilizing the vbAfterNavigate event, developers can create custom navigation flows based on specific conditions. For instance, you can redirect users to different pages depending on their role, permissions, or other business rules. This flexibility allows for personalized user experiences tailored to different scenarios.

4. Data Persistence:

In some cases, you may want to retain data across page navigation to provide a consistent user experience. vbAfterNavigate can be used to store user inputs or temporary data, ensuring that it remains accessible even when moving between pages. This can be particularly useful when working with multi-step forms or complex workflows.

5. UI Customization:

The vbAfterNavigate event can also be used to customize the user interface based on the navigation event. Developers can dynamically hide or show certain components, change the layout, or update the styling to provide a tailored experience for the user.

6. Analytics and Tracking:

If you want to track user behavior or capture analytics data, the vbAfterNavigate event is a convenient place to do so. You can use this event to send relevant data to analytics services or track specific actions performed by the user during navigation.

Implementing vbAfterNavigate in VBCS:

To utilize the vbAfterNavigate event in VBCS, developers can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the navigation action or event that triggers the vbAfterNavigate event, such as button clicks, menu selections, or form submissions.
  2. Define the custom logic or operations to be performed after the navigation occurs. This can include data retrieval, validation, error handling, or redirecting to different pages.
  3. Access the vbAfterNavigate event in VBCS using the appropriate syntax or event handler. This may involve writing JavaScript code or leveraging VBCS’s visual development environment.
  4. Test and iterate the implementation to ensure desired functionality and a seamless user experience.

July 3, 2023

Advantages of Low-Code Development Platforms

Low-code development platforms offer several advantages that make them increasingly popular among developers and businesses. Here are some key advantages of using low-code development platforms:

  1. Increased productivity: Low-code platforms enable rapid application development by providing a visual interface, pre-built components, and drag-and-drop functionality. Developers can quickly assemble applications without writing extensive lines of code, resulting in faster delivery times and increased productivity.
  2. Accelerated Development: Low-code platforms provide visual interfaces, drag-and-drop components, and pre-built templates that significantly speed up application development. Developers can create functional prototypes or even complete applications in a fraction of the time it would take using traditional coding methods.
  3. Reduced complexity: Traditional software development often involves intricate coding and complex integrations. Low code platforms simplify the development process by abstracting away the underlying complexity. This allows developers to focus on the application’s logic and business requirements, rather than getting caught up in technical details.
  4. Simplified Development Process: Low-code platforms abstract away complex programming concepts, reducing the learning curve and making it easier for developers of varying skill levels to create applications. The visual interfaces and declarative models enable developers to build applications by configuring and connecting pre-built components.
  5. Easier collaboration: Low code platforms promote collaboration between business users, IT professionals, and developers. Non-technical stakeholders can actively participate in the development process, leveraging the visual interface to provide feedback, suggest improvements, and even contribute to building applications. This collaborative environment fosters better communication and alignment between different teams.
  6. Agility and flexibility: With low code platforms, developers can quickly iterate and make changes to applications in response to changing business needs or user feedback. The visual interface makes it easier to modify and extend existing applications, reducing the time and effort required for maintenance and updates. This agility enables organizations to adapt rapidly to market demands and stay competitive.
  7. Bridging the skills gap: Traditional software development often requires specialized coding skills, which can limit the number of people who can participate in the development process. Low-code platforms empower citizen developers and business users with limited programming knowledge to create functional applications. This helps bridge the skills gap and democratizes software development within organizations.
  8. Improved efficiency and cost-effectiveness: Low code platforms streamline the development process, reducing the need for extensive coding, testing, and debugging. This efficiency translates into cost savings by minimizing the resources and time required for application development. Moreover, the reuse of pre-built components and integrations further accelerates development and reduces costs.
  9. Enhanced innovation: Low code platforms foster a culture of innovation by allowing developers to experiment and prototype ideas quickly. The visual nature of these platforms encourages creative problem-solving and exploration, empowering developers to explore new possibilities and iterate on concepts rapidly.
  10. Scalability and extensibility: Many low-code platforms provide scalability and extensibility features out of the box. Developers can leverage pre-built integrations, connectors, and APIs to easily connect with existing systems and scale applications as needed. This simplifies the process of building complex and integrated applications.
  11. Maintenance and Updates: Low-code platforms often handle underlying infrastructure, security, and maintenance tasks, reducing the burden on developers. They typically offer automatic updates, security patches, and scalability features, allowing developers to focus on enhancing the application rather than managing the underlying technical aspects.
  12. Future-proofing: Low-code platforms often provide a layer of abstraction that shields developers from changes in underlying technologies. As technology evolves, the platform can adapt and update its components, ensuring applications built on the platform remain compatible and functional in the future.
  13. Cost Savings: Low-code development can reduce development and maintenance costs by enabling faster application development, reducing the need for extensive custom coding, and streamlining updates and maintenance tasks. It can also reduce the reliance on specialized developers, as citizen developers can contribute to the development process.

It’s important to note that while low-code development platforms offer numerous advantages, they may not be suitable for every use case. Complex and highly customized applications may still require traditional coding approaches. However, low-code platforms are well-suited for rapidly developing prototypes, building internal tools, automating business processes, and creating simple to moderately complex applications.